Baby Names

Thoughts on Dexter and MN question

So, I know there are mixed feelings out there about the name Dexter, but DH and I really love it.  We are big fans of the show, which is where we got the idea, and it doesn't bother us that he is a serial killer in the show because who is really going to remember that years down the road anyways?  I love the nn Dex too!

My first question is do you like this name?

Next question (even if you don't like the name Dexter): For middle names, my grandfather and father's name is Bernard.  My grandfather goes by Ben (and dad goes by Bernie), so we were thinking either Benjamin or Bennett because I really don't love the name Bernard.  So, my question is do you think Benjamin or Bennett are close enough to the name my grandfather always goes by, or should we just use Bernard to honor both my grandfather and father?  They are both still living, but my grandfather may not make it much longer.

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