June 2012 Moms

Cautiously expecting #1

Hi all!  This is my first post and we are very excited but still cautiously expecting #1 on June 6, 2012. 

I got 2 BFPs this morning.  I convinced myself the first one was an evap line so I tested again but there was no denying it.  I go in for a blood test tomorrow and hope it wasn't a false positive.  We have been TTC for two years and recently completed our first cycle of IVF.  We are praying for a sticky baby.

I've had some nausea for the past several days but other than that doing well.

Glad to be in the company of such great ladies and Mom's to Be!

IVF #1=BFP 9/27/11 u/s revealed Twins! EDD 6/4/12
m/c #1 11/7/11 at 10w
m/c#2 1/24/12 at 21w1d
IVF #2 June 2012 cancelled
IVF#3 started stims 7/15/12
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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