Upstate NY Babies

Would you take your toddler to an ultrasound?

We have our a/s on Thursday and I can't wait to see this LO!  Hard to believe this pregnancy is already almost 1/2 over! 

DH has been asking if we should take L with us, so he can see the baby too.  My dr. appointment is supposed to be right after the scan and we'd have to take L with us, but sometimes they run late.  I'm thinking it would be a bad idea to take him.  I think he will not really be interested in the scan, and it will be a nightmare if he misbehaves.  Plus, we can show him the pictures afterwards so he can still get to see the baby and it might be a bit more real to him then (although he seems to get it now too). 

I'm just curious if anyone else took their toddlers to any of their ultrasounds?

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