Baby Names

Oscar's little brother - still no name. Please vote!

I am due in 3 months and we know that our now 15 month old son Oscar will have a little brother.  Because they will be close in age and because I really like a particular style of name, I want their names to flow. 

I am an avid baby name follower and I have been through every name possible with my hubby.  Some of my favourites along the way have been vetoed - Pierce, Theodore, Edison, Everett and Isaac - and I have vetoed some of his, namely Walter (Wally).

 We are left with six that we agree on. 

Elliot (Eli), Charlie, Henry, Frederick (Freddie) and Bennett.

I think that our hearts lie with Charlie right now (a family name) but I am in need of input as to whether it can work with our last name.

Our last name starts with Ch as well and rhymes with Choviak. 

Would Charlie Choviak be too alliterative or rhymey?  I really love the name as it belongs to both my grandfather and great-grandfather but I don't know if it can work. 

Picture Oscar and Charlie as brothers.  Now picture Oscar Choviak and Charlie Choviak.  Does that work?

Thanks for the input.  This is much harder the second time around!


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