Upstate NY Babies

Update to Graduation Gift Poll and a huge AW for DH (nbr)

He totally surprised me with an early birthday/graduation gift this morning... a Keurig!!!  I have been drooling over, whining about and begging for this dream machine for months and he decided to surprise me a month early.  He kind of rocks.  Smile


I love LOVE my Keurig!!  I am sooooo in love with it that I did an entire blog post (and this AW post) about it.  And bonus... if I am lucky enough to get a bfp soon, this will help to regulate the coffee drinkage, since I can more easily measure one cup a day (this was part of my reasoning in lobbying for the Keurig to begin with.  logical argument, I think).

Anyway, ta-daa!!  Yay for a very thoughtful dh (or possibly one who just wants me to stop emailing him "hints" about the Keurig)... either way I'll take it. 

Does anyone else have a Keurig?  If so, what is your favorite K-cup?

Any other awesome DH stories this weekend?  Let's give those boys some credit.
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