January 2012 Moms

What goes on at your monthly appointment?

I am starting to wonder if my ridiculously fast appointments are a "no news is good news" thing or if I am being looked over.

He listens to the heartbeat and tells me what my next appointment will be.  That's it.  And I get weighed, but I don't think he looks at that.  When he gives me results, like my a/s and NT test, he says everything looks good.  No details, no odds, just that.

I had a low placenta at my a/s and had to go back after 4 weeks to have it looked at yesterday.  It has moved.  At my appointment last Friday he told me I neeeded to get it rechecked to see where the placenta was and to check some organs they were not able to see last time, but he couldn't remember which organ.  I asked the tech and she said they saw all the organs perfectly and the only thing they were checking was the placenta.

I told him I was worried about my cervix after having so many BH the week before and he said it should be fine but  he could check it if I really wanted him to.  I told him yes...check it.  It was fine, but I felt better knowing and not assuming.  Especially because I was on bedrest for 2 months with my daughter due to frequent contractions and threatened early labor.

So, should I feel good that everything is going so well, or should I be concerned that he offers no information and I have to ask for everything?


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