January 2012 Moms

Random thought on 2nd time registries/opposite sex

I finished our registry  (I feel the need to say that it's for the completion coupon; I'm having a freezer meal shower) and was thinking about how I've often heard that if your second one is a different sex it's ok to have a shower/register, and I realized something - I don't think the opposite sex has much to do with what stuff you need. 

My registry is mostly comprised of stuff that has come out since I had my first, and/or things that I realized with experience would be cool, plus some stuff that gets used up...Things like a UV stroller cover, temporal thermometer, apron towel, Halo swaddle sleep sack baby wash and diaper cream (in case you're looking for inspiration - hehe!)

Question: What things are you second time moms registering for/planning to buy? 

And since it's Friday, I'll add a FFFC:  I think that I would perceive it to be a bit gift-grabby if someone chose very gender specific big ticket items for their first and then registered again for those same items in the opposite gender theme. I'm sure there are situations that warrant it - like having a surprise 2nd baby that ends up being the opposite, but mostly I would wonder why someone wouldn't get gender-neutral stuff for their first if they were planning on having more kids...

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