January 2012 Moms

Occasional Cramping?

Over the past week, I've gotten an occasional cramp in my lower abdomen.  It's almost like one single menstrual cramp, but it only last for a second or two and then goes away.  I get them a few times throughout the day and it's not painful, just something that makes me take notice.  I don't think this is Braxton Hicks as I don't really feel like my whole uterus is tightening and it really only happens once at at time and not multiple contractions.  So I wonder if it's just things stretching out and expanding.  I've definitely felt more pressure and weight in my pelvic area than I have before so maybe that's all related.  I've been drinking lots of water (actually more than I had been) so I don't think it can be dehydration related either.  I'm not too concerned to warrant a call to my doctor yet, but just wondered if anyone has any experience with this or ideas on what it could be?

Married July 21, 2007

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