Upstate NY Babies

S/O MrsWhite's post-Tattoos

MrsWhite's post got me thinking, I've always liked tattoos and planned on having one or two.  Well I'm 28 and tattoo-less.  But I'm thankful I don't have what I would have gotten when I was 18.  DH has a lot, I don't know how many anymore, maybe 10 or 12, but they're all coverable.  And the tattoo he did get when he was 18, he covered with another one.   

I wanted to get J's handprint on the inside of my wrist but we couldn't ever get her to open her hands when she was little.  DH has her footprints and a song on his back.  It takes up most of his back.  It's nice but I wouldn't want anything that big. It's neat too because her feet were so little compared to now.  I guess maybe I could do one of her footprints on my foot, and the new baby's foot on my other one, but I've heard feet are one of the worst places to get tattoed. 

Anyway, any other Mommie tattoos or regular tattoos out there?  Or do your DH's have them? 

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