June 2012 Moms

Waves hello while shaking

Color me shocked.  I literally just took a hpt (because it is 10 dpo and it is what I do every cycle).  IC had a squinter.  So I took a FRER.  Two lines.


I am at work and trying to fight back tears.

My back story:  We started TTC 5/10.  For 14 months all we ever got was bfn.  We finally got our bfp, with meds, in July of this year, but m/c at 7 weeks.

With our ob's blessing we practiced "don't try, don't prevent" immediately after the m/c.  I don't o very well, we just had a m/c, we were not timing bd, and the previous 14 "perfect" attempts were a bust.  I cannot wrap my head around this.

I don't know how long I will be staying here but I wanted to say hi.



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