Baby Names

More legit "made up" names

Vanessa - coined by Jonathan Swift

Cedric - coined by Sir Walter Scott (who invented the myth of the War of the Roses--war was real, rose symbols were not)


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
TTC since 6/02 (age 22) K/U instantly despite no AF for 5 months--preemie baby boy 1/03
M/C 11/04 - M/C 05 - M/C 06 - BFP 2/08--fullterm baby girl 10/08 - M/C 4/11 - went to RE at age 31
DX: crappy quality & infrequent ovulation, mild MFI
Stimmed cycle #1 C/P 7/11 - Stimmed cycle #2 C/P 8/11 - Stimmed cycle #4 C/P 10/11
On Stimmed Cycle #5
Always thought I'd be a "mom of many"--now just hoping to be a "mom of one or two more!"
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