Single Parents

Stress, Fights and more. WWYD

Hi, I have also posted this on my birth month board but thought I could get some advice from some strong single mamas  :)

So recently my Fiance and I have been having a few issues. It's more from my end though. I am just sick and tired of his laziness and his attitude. I am honestly questioning if this engagement can go any further. He doesn't talk about the baby or even smile when it's mentioned. I get no help with anything because "he's too tired" after work.

Last week, we had some rotten veges in our fridge that we forgot about and I tried taking them out but it made me vomit twice, so I asked him too and he didn't and said that I had to. I took the veges out to the bin but vomitted three times more. I came in crying and he asked what was wrong in a really snarky tone and I just told him to leave it.

I cannot get a good night sleep as he is a butt to sleep with. He is forever taking up 3/4s of the bed and covers, snoring and grinding his teeth. I have asked if he could possibly sleep on the couch for one night so I could get some decent sleep but apparently because it's my problem, I should sleep on the couch. Every Friday night, he comes home with a 12 pack and will sit in the lounge until 3am drinking and playing video games. He is very clumsy and loud when he is drunk so it keeps me up until 3 am which my body cannot handle! Every time I approach the subject he snaps at me and it starts a fight.

I do not want to bring a baby into this life, I am so confused and feel so alone right now. Please help?
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