Upstate NY Babies

Not looking forward to tonight - UPDATED

UPDATE - my party was GREAT and I ended up feeling ok while I was there, but Riley didn't do well at all.  I left at 6 and at 7:30 I got a text from DH saying she was screaming and he couldn't get her to take a bottle at all.  In between samples, I'd text him back some suggestions.  Bath.  Walk outside.  Swaddle...  She finally just fell asleep on him and slept until I got home at 9:30.  Never did take a bottle at all... :(

Tonight is my first party since having R, and I was looking so forward to it.  But now, I really wish I didn't have it.  My allergies are sucking big time right now so I look a mess and can't stop sneezing.  And, R has been so cranky today, so I'm really worried how she's going to do tonight without me.  She's been taking a bottle once a day but will only take a couple ounces.  I hope she does ok!  (And DH!) 


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