January 2012 Moms

measuring 4 weeks ahead?

I went for my monthly check up today (24 weeks) and I've gained 10 pounds which I know is no good, although I really had only gained a couple pounds before that. But then my doctor measured my uterus (this was the first time he did it) and he said I'm 28 cm which corresponds to 28 weeks, when I'm only 24 weeks. I have zero doubt that I'm 24 weeks and recent ultrasounds back me up, so why else would my measurements be so far off?? He said it's nothing to worry about and they'll keep an eye out but I'm a little concerned. What does that mean? Big baby or early delivery? Has this happened to anyone else? Oh and he asked if i had to pee because I guess that would affect it, but I didn't. Thanks!
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