January 2012 Moms

Hosp BR update

Today is day 8 in the hospital. As of this AM I am now 1cm dilated. Membranes are bulging but have not ruptured and my getting out of bed is more restricted. I'm so grateful to have caught everything when we did but it's been such a rollercoaster. I feel like we are missing out so much on the happy times of pregnancy. There will be no baby shower pre baby, no maternity shoot, no getting a nursery ready.

At this point I'll just be grateful and ecstatic to make it to 28 weeks. I'm trying to stay positive and upbeat with todays new progression, I just feel a little down. Oh, and for a few hours a day my bed needs to be inverted. That's how I'm typing right now which is def interesting and a little amusing lol. 

Check out our blog of Sofia's progress... www.FisforFam.blogspot.com Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image Visit The Nest! image
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