January 2012 Moms

DD is sneaky (chocolate & candy)

DD kinda randomly used the potty chair on monday and peed a little in it to our surprise.  And that night she went two more times and several times since then.

To encourage her after the first time she peed I gave her a peice of candy (actually a chocolate chip) which is a real treat in our house!  So now she's learned that she can pee, flush, get her candy. Then pee, flush and get more candy.  So she can stop/start her pee in order to maximize her candy consumption!  It totally cracks me up.

As much as I never wanted to use food as a reward (one of those never say never things) stickers and toys weren't as exciting to her as the candy or cookies were. *sigh*  I just think it's kinda funny how she's learned to manipulate at such a young age already!!

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