North Carolina Babies

People say the weirdest things

So I went to get my haircut today at a new place--still haven't found a good place here yet.  Anyway the hairdresser was making small talk and we were talking about me having 2 boys.  She asked, as does everyone else it seems, if we were going to try again for a girl (which insinuates that Nate was a failure??).  I said NO WAY we are DONE!  We were talking about differences between girls and boys and I said that sure, I would have loved to have a girl but it didn't work out that way and I am so enjoying having 2 boys (and there is no way I'm risking 3 boys! ha!).

She then goes on to tell me about her sister who accidentally got pregnant and was told at the ultrasound it was a boy (she already had a boy and wanted a girl).  She went on to tell me how sad her sister was to have another boy, so she prayed and prayed for a girl because she knew this was her last chance to have a girl, etc.  At the second ultrasound they said was a girl and she had a girl. 

So apparently I didn't pray enough for a girl??  Not really sure what the point of the story was.  She seemed to be encouraging me to go for a 3rd and that if I prayed enough I would get a girl??  What the heck are people thinking?!   She also asked me if there were all boys in my family (she clearly didn't get the memo that the sperm determines the sex of the baby).

It was a good giggle to start my day.  :)



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