Upstate NY Babies

NBR: DH argument


I am a cranky, tired pregnant lady and last night DH got on my last nerve. He was complaining about how he never gets to hang out with anyone. So I totally made fun of him. Not my best moment, but he has been driving me nuts. And it's true that he does not have any local friends, but I keep telling him to go out and try to do stuff to meet people. He has plans this weekend to go to Boston to visit his best man, so it's not like he doesn't do anything.

I don't think it helps that I like to stay busy and try to do stuff with people. I like to have plans! I like hanging out with other moms/friends/people with pulses! I sort of feel like he doesn't want me to do this until he has friends to hang out with too.

Am I overreacting? Should I bite the bullet and apologize first?  


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