January 2012 Moms

Moms of 1+ - DS not walking yet. . .

Hi Guys,

DS is 14 months old today and is still not walking. I am starting to get concerned. He crawls and cruises furniture really well and can pull up really well. He can also walk if we hold his hand, but that is only when he feels like it. He's got a push toy and can walk pretty fast with that. But as soon as we let go or if we take the toy away, he'll just fall to his knees. Sometimes he won't even get on his feet if we try to practice walking. 

Any advice or suggestions? Should I be concerned? He's got a 15 month appt next month, I'll bring it up with the Ped then if we're still in the same boat. 

BTW I started walking at 10 months and DH started walking around 13.5 months. . .

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