January 2012 Moms

I lost 8.8lbs in 72 hours....

I've been really sick since Monday afternoon and had trouble keeping any food and water down.  Well I'm feeling a little better and went back to work today and weighed myself. I've lost almost 9lbs!!!  I'm sure it's mostly water weight so I'll drink as much as possible today but seriously... 9 pounds is A LOT for just a few days! 

I guess the good news is that I was so concerned about my weight gain that now I've certainly lost the weight I'd so vainly gained.... Now I'm at my lowest adult weight ever (don't worry- i still have weight to spare) but I don't like that for being 24 weeks along....

And I was able to eat a bagel this morning so I don't want to call my OB office and alert them since I'm sure all they'd tell me is to drink and eat a lot. Baby's still moving so I'm sure he survived my 2-3 day starvation...

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