January 2012 Moms


Ok, so I'm dense and late on joining the board, I kept looking for it but the Bump kept hiding it from me! 

I'm Kara, I'm due 1/3/12, so that makes me 25w1d and I had to take the crappy glucose screen this morning.  The orange wasn't that bad, just hope that I'm fine!  We found out it was a boy after everyone thought it was a girl!  I had horrible nausea, still bad food aversions, the baby loves my bladder and uses it as a pillow lots of kicks and punches, and we have no idea what to name him.  Everything's been pretty uneventful except I have White Coat Syndrome, so my bp skyrockets every time I'm at the doc's.  I have to take my bp every day a few times at home to make sure it's fine.  It's lots of fun.

 I look forward to chatting with all of you!

Visit The Nest! BabyFruit Ticker married 4/19/2008
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