January 2012 Moms

I hate that I moved (NBR)

So I moved to be closer to my family.  DH is still in Wyoming.  So right now I'm living about 50 minutes from my parents...additional 20-25 minutes from the rest of the family and additional 45 minutes from hospital my sister is at.  So on the weekends I'm at my parents and doing a lot of driving.  I don't have a job yet.  All my friends are scattered across the state, but none live near me (most about an hour away in various directions.)  So not only is DH far from us, but we're on a limited budget, bc he's the only one working, so I can't be driving over an hour away everyday (or nearly) everyday to do things with other ppl.  I do'nt have internet at my house, so I can't even get online to talk to my friends.  (We had dialup there, but I'm running into problems getting it working for some reason...only satelitte internet is available other than that and it pricey.)  So I need a job, but I can't even go look for one in the area, bc I don't have a sitter for DS.  I could go look for one around my family, but then I have to pay for gas for commuting and childcare. 

So what do we do?  By the way, we could move closer to family, but it would be at least $400 more a month and DH doesn't want to move to the city and doesn't want to be in a lease.

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