January 2012 Moms

worried...development still behind

So I had an U/S done on Monday to check the LO's development b/c at my 20 wk appt, the Dr, was a little concerned that the LO is measuring 2 wks behind.  At my appt Monday, the Dr, stressed that they are still concerned.  I am definitley 25 wks prego, but the LO's development is at 23 wks. He said this could just be the fact that my DH and I cannot make a big baby (DH was 6 Ibs, I was 5 Ibs), but just to make sure, they are sending me to a specialist to have a special U/S done, having me take my Glucose Test early, doing another U/S in 2 more weeks, then continuing to have U/S's every 4 weeks.  The Dr did say the the anatomy of my LO is perfect,  I'm trying not to worry, but its hard not to (tearing up as we speak).  Is anyone else going through this?????
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