January 2012 Moms

Blood pressure creeping up - worried

I just got back from the doctor's office.  While talking to the nutritionist she mentioned that my blood pressure is higher than she would like to see it.  It was 120/84 when I arrived following a hellish two hour drive in stop and go traffic followed by a sprint up three flights of stairs b/c I was so late for my appointment.  I asked that we retest at the end of my appointment. 

20 minutes later it was120/80, which is what it was at my appointment the week before.  She said that was more normal and less concerning. 

But then I raised the issue that my bp pre-preg used to regularly be 90/60.  I pulled out a pile of records from my appointments the past few months and showed her what it had been lately - usually around 110/60.  So now she is concerned again and so am I. 

I'm planning on delivering at a birth center and high blood pressure is one of the many things that would risk me out.

Has anyone else seen their bp rise?  Any advice on controlling it?   Reversing this trend?

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