January 2012 Moms

AW: offered my dream job!!

My position was eliminated at my full time job 2 days after my BFP.  I knew that was a sign from God I was not to work full time.  My dream was to SAH with LO during the day and teach college classes at night so one of us can always be with our baby.  My dream came true yesterday!

I was offered a position teaching 2 classes 4x/wk at our local community college!! Classes start at 5:30 every night in the town that DH works.  I can easily drop LO off to him at work then head to teach.  I am beyong thrilled.

My first class starts tonight and I just got my textbooks!  Eeek I need to write a syllabus and figure out what I am going to teach tonight Surprise

Thank you for letting me AW <3

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