June 2012 Moms

Another Junebug!

I'm just gonna XP my post from TTC...

 After 17 long cycles, I finally got my BFP tonight! I dipped a Wondfo around 6pm tonight fully expecting a negative since I'm only 9DPO, but to my surprise a faint little line was there not even a minute later. DH can even see it so I know it's not my eyes playing tricks on me. I've had 3 mc's, but we're cautiously optimistic about this one. To be able to finally, and hopefully, give DS a sibling brings so much joy to us right now!

Things I did this cycle were: Increased water intake, green tea, OPK's, PreSeed, softcups (I know, right? I was desperate), and sex EOD.

Symptoms: None really. I've had tender breasts but that always happens right after O, but 3DPO they hurt extremely bad that day.

 EDD: June 3, 2012. :)

BFP @9DPO 9/20/2011 BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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