June 2012 Moms

hey ladieeees

Hiii ladies..... I can see there's very few of us so far, but just wanted to drop in& say hello. My EDD is 6/6. I'm 26, DH is 31 and we have a two yr old son. Since he was born I m/c'ed twice so we are definitely nervous this time....after the last loss I did not have AF for a year and got preg on my first cycle after it came back in august. We haven't told our fam yet..we may wait until I'm 8 weeks or more, soi figured I could share my excitement here:)
sweet baby boy ryan born 6/24/09
TTC since 8/09 . MC 1/15/10 @ 7w4d // 6/2/10 @ 8w2d
TTC with no menstrual cycle since 6/10, finally got one 8/25/11 :)
Lilypie Maternity tickers
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