Baby Names

Is this name too popular?

Hi all,


I'm new to this husband and I have just started TTC (within the last two weeks). I know i'm sort of jumping the gun here, but I've always been fascinated with baby names. Even though there's no pregnancy yet, I'm dying to discuss some of my ideas with here we go...

I've always loved the name Casey for a girl (not so much for a boy).  I shared the idea with my husband, and it became his favorite girl name too. Right now, it's at the top of our list.

My only concern is, has Casey become too trendy? I know similar-sounding names are all the rage right now: Kylie, Kaylie, Chloe, etc. But I actually don't know any female Caseys IRL, and I have yet to come across a newborn baby with this name. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything...

 So, what do you guys think? Too trendy/popular? How many Caseys do you know? 

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