Baby Names

Thoughts about Nathan/Nathaniel

This is the latest name to make it to our list of possibilities (which also includes Samuel, Gabriel, Simon, and Leo).

Normally I would say I want to name LO what we will call him or her (we will be Team Green). But I feel like I'd never use Nathaniel. I would use Nathan though and would also be fine if others called him Nate.

I feel like Nathaniel flows better with possible mn though: Martin, Joseph, or John (all family names). Flow certainly isn't everything though. Our last name is 2 syllables and starts with a K.

So, WYDT of Nathan/Nathaniel in general? Do you have an impression of what a Nathan is like? And do you have a preference for one or the other? Feel free to weigh in on the other names as well. Your brutal honesty is welcome!
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