Upstate NY Babies

Swaddling question?

Hey Ladies -

If you swaddled your LO - tell me about your transition out of swaddling. Riht now, O NEEDS to be swaddled at night. When swaddled, he sleeps straight from 10pm-ish until 6-7am. The only time he ever wakes up in the night is if he manages to break one/both arm(s) free from the swaddleme wrap...Either he is hitting himself in the face, or he's startling himself awake. Then its hit or miss to get him back to sleep... which means Mommy = Zombie in the AM

He will be rolling from back to front soon (already can roll front to back, and can get himself up onto his side from his back) - so I know I'll have to stop swaddling soon - but I really enjoy sleeping myself, so Im not eager to go cold turkey, and I feel like if I start leaving one arm out - im in the same predicament - O waking up at night when startled.

So I guess, Im looking for two things - 1. Is there any sort of swaddling wrap transition? When do the arms stop having a mind of their own?

Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

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