Upstate NY Babies


Would this be hives?

A few times Saturday, a little more Sunday a.m. and much worse Sun night R had these spots that would start as a red mark with a puffy center. Nothing bigger than a pencil eraser. The red spot would go away leaving a skin colored bump (tiny) and then that would go away completely too. They would pop up in different spots, some bigger than others and some strung together in 3/4 spots. The most he had on his face at one time was about 8. He also had a few on his legs, one on his hand, etc.

I gave him a bath in clear water and put him to bed, he woke up free of them. I saw one pop up under his eye today and it was gone within 15 min.

Nothing new really. Did switch from All free and clear to Purex free and clear Sat. We saw all the animals at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure Sat am where he had milk that tasted bizarre (after 3 sips I took it away). 

Nothing else new or different.

Thoughts? Should I give him some Benadryl? He was oblivious to them, no itching or fever....not bothered at all.

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