Baby Names

"Bullying Descriptions" ...useful tool I use with every name.

For the folks who have never use the website "baby names world" through Parent Connect.....

If you click on the name you're looking up, there is a tab called "Considering this name?"  It gives the opportunity with people with that name to explain how that name was used for teasing.  For example most of the "Sylvia's" wrote that people called them "Saliva."  Just thought I would share, because it's helped me decide a definite "NO" to some names.  

Now a question.  Would something like that deter you from naming your child a name you love?  I still like "Leah" after knowing teasing descriptions being:

Leah pee-uh

Leah diarrhea

Leah gonorrhea

So sad that such a beautiful name rhymes with so many nasty things.  :(


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