Baby Names

My father is so cute

My dog's name is Bella. That was her name at the shelter and I didn't hate it, so it stayed. This was two years ago and I had no idea how many times I'd get oh! like the girl in Twilight! I had barely heard of Twilight.

So my parents are at the grocery store, Dad in one aisle, Mom in another. Dad goes looking for Mom to tell her that he just heard someone call this kid "Bella."

Mom: Yeah, that's a name.

Dad: But it's a dog name!

Mom: It was a people name first.

Dad: I don't believe you. It's a dog name!

Mom: The neighbors named this cat "Amy" btw.

Dad: Well that's just weird. But Bella's a dog name!

Mom: Did you get your pickles?

Dad: Oh yeah, I was going to go get pickles. I'll be back in  minute.


headdesk. My father is freaking ridiculous. And I had to share.

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