Single Parents

Advice Needed! -- Hormonal Overload!!! (rather long)

I recently found out that I was pregnant and that is pretty much when everything went downhill between us.

A little background: I resigned from my job in March 2011 to become a full time college student. I was living with my fiance and we were planning a June 2012 wedding. We have routine monthly spats because I just PMS really badly and he doesn't understand, but after a week or so, we are usually back to normal. Well this PMS spell lasted a little longer than usual with no monthly menstrual. After several (positive) home pg tests we confirmed that we were expecting. This is both of our first pregnancies and it is a very scary time for us. However, during this same week of finding out we were pg, my fiance broke off the engagement stating that "we fight too much to be getting married in a few months." Devastation is not the beginning! Since we moved in together after we were engaged and under the assumption that we wld be married (soon), I spoke to him about separate living after the lease, this caused more drama. But my thoughts are IF WE FIGHT "TOO MUCH" TO GET MARRIED WHY SHOULD WE LIVE TOGETHER TO FIGHT "TOO MUCH" AROUND OUR CHILD. (and to clear things up, NO i do not believe we fight too much, just that he is very afraid and overwhelmed but this was his excuse for calling off the wedding, so it made sense to me that we apply it to all aspects of the relationship!) Anywho, to make matters worse, I am an unemployed full time student and there is no room for me at my mother's or grandparent's homes. As for my father, he is a smoker (as is "ex-fiance") so I am really trying not to live with him though there is room. Right now, I do consulting work which is VERY part time for my old job, but the paychecks are not steady and are just enough for gas or spending money (not rent).

I have not had a good night's sleep since everything has happened between us, partly from worry and it annoys me to look over ans see him sleeping like a baby (emotional!). Advice and words of encouragement would be really helpful because holding out on living with him after the lease is up is clearly not incentive enough for him to acknowledge his fears. Especially since he knows I have nowhere to go.

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