Baby Names

DH Naming Baby While Mom is in Recovery?

My mom is an OB and she had a patient who was still back and forth over the baby's name when she went in for an emergency section at 34 weeks. Something went wrong and she was in recovery for longer than usual. Her DH filled out all the social security and birth certificate paperwork with the name he wanted for the baby. When the Mom was finally cleared, a NICH nurse came for her and said "I'll take you to see baby John" (I don't know the actual name) and the Mom said, "Oh. Is that his name?" WTF? I'd think that if I had a particularly rough delivery and recovery, not only would DH wait for me to decide on a name but he'd probably let me have my choice with no further argument. I don't know if the Mom has to agree to the name of record but by the sounds of it, she didn't fight. I hope he doesn't bowl her over on all big decisions like that. I think that was extremely disrespectful. WDYT?
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