Single Parents

Question about mediation and custody

STBXH and I had a meeting with our lawyers where we discussed a pretty good agreement.  We are in the process of writing it up and now he is trying to sneak in more stuff into the papers that got sent from his lawyer that we did not agree to. We have a mediation appointment set for later this coming week which I am keeping until papers are officially signed.  Does anyone know in NJ what the standard parenting time is that a mediator will present? 

I'm pretty sure that him being difficult now will result in him being awarded less time through a mediator and the court than what we talked about n our meeting and he is trying to add more time into the paperwork under the guise that we already agreed upon this-which we did NOT (his being unreasonable and stubborn and spiteful usually comes back to bite him).  Plus, he has not paid CS in 4 weeks.  I'm so ready for this to be done and just have a schedule worked out, rather than everything up in the air.

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