Single Parents

I think I am going to have a meltdown!

I've been seeing a therapist for awhile and it has been wonderful.  I have told my family and a few good friends of my situation with my stbxh divorcing me.

 However, I guess I never dealt with my own pain yet and that was made obvious when I went to a fairly large event at my church the other night.  I let it slipped that I am getting divorced to a couple of people that I was not ready to tell.  Prior to telling, there were so many people asking me about why my husband was not there.  I think I let it pent up and exploded because I felt so fake.  Now I am mortified... like I don't want to show up at any more events.

Part of it was I was not ready and yet I let it slip out.  The other part is that I believe it is a tendency for church goers to have a higher expectation on marriage.

I know *** happens but still, I can't help but feel so mortified inside.  I guess I need to lay low or something going forward but seems like too late for that now that the information is out there.  Thanks for letting me vent.


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