Upstate NY Babies

When do you consider potty training a "success"

Basically.. a little over a week ago, (last wednesday) my MIL decided it was a good idea to tell Eve when she put her to bed one night that she was "all done with diapers" and they waved goodbye to them etc.. she told Eve that when she was all the way potty trained she'd buy her a present (A lalaloopsy house.. which I'm not sure really exists)

So this past week or so has been rough. We didn't exactly do 3 day PTing..we're still using pullups for over night..  but it was similar.. We had a lot of accidents at first.. but since monday she's only had one pee accident and it was at school on her first day wednesday.. So I think she's doing really well, but she's had quite a few poop accidents.. like maybe 5 this week? Almost every day when I put her up for her nap she poops in her pants.. I swear on purpose to delay her nap. And she had one or two other ones too. Today though she has not pooped in her pants because I told her if she didn't, she could ride her bike after nap.

The other thing is, she doesn't ever tell us she has to go potty.. and usually when we ask her she says no,  but if she's not having accidents, she must know to hold it now, right?

So would you consider her potty trained? Should MIL get her the gift? I promised her something too, as did my mom.. 

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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