Upstate NY Babies

Funny yet also sad....

I bought Dylan this musical teddy bear several months ago.  It lights up and plays this really nice sleeping music.  I used to rock him to sleep to it.  We haven't used it in a long time, as I don't rock him to sleep anymore.  The other day he picked it up and it started to play.  His lips automatically began to quiver, his eyes got all wattery and he started to cry.  Last night we played it just to see what would happen and he did it again.  It doesn't seem like he's scared of it because he'll still hold it but it obviously makes him sad.  It's pitiful to see but also kind of funny how that happens.  He gets this look on his face that I haven't ever seen him do when he gets hurt and cries or if he doesn't get his way or something.  So strange.  I keep telling myself that it reminds him of the time I used to rock him and that's what makes him
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