Single Parents

Single Mommy-to-be

I've never been able to say that my pregnancy was a mistake because it never quite sat well with my soul, but it was unexpected. The father is a previous father of 3, divorced once, and after meeting the one child that lives in-state, and getting to know each other more, we became serious pretty fast and made plans for a future. This baby was just "doing things a little backwards" in my head and not a terrible thing for me.

But he recently confessed that he didn't think we would have ever been together in the long run because he didn't love me like he thought or said he did and that he was not interested in being present in my life, or our child's life. He's not going to be on the birth certificate and our child won't ever know him. I'm not at the stage of being mad yet, I'm just heartbroken. I'm trying to stay positive and think that I should be grateful that I don't have to go through this years from now and experience the divorce and broken family that would have inevitably come if he had continued to be dishonest about his feelings. There is nothing broken about a baby and me; a family of 2 full of love.

Thank you, if you read through this all. My heart is shattered and I needed to vent.  

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