Single Parents

Question to ask my attorney? (2nd appt)

I had an initial consult with my attorney and she went through the nute and bolts of divorce in my state, what to expect in CS etc. Latet, I was talking to a friend who told me that I can ask the court to have  my STBXH pay some of melegal expenses. So I sent my atoorney an e-mail and she says  yes, that is very common (as he makes a lot more money than I do). Well, why in the world did she not mention this to me??? So now I think I need to be better prepared for my next meeting with her. We have one son, 3.5 years old and a marital home purchased 2.5 years ago. Please help me with some questions to bring up. I came up with these:

1. Including a plan for STBXH to pay some of DS's college expenses.

2. XH to have DS on his insurance

3. XH to have a life insurance policy x3 his annual income with DS as sole benf.

4. XH to pay legal fees if I have to take him to court to pay CS.

5. Ask for alimony for 3 years-(I used to make $56k but I quit my job and moved to his home state at his request and became a sahm for 3.5 years. I just started work
 in July and now make only 32k . I need get additional training to make the kind of money I used to make)...Is this reasonable? He makes $82k+bonus


Please let me know what you think and what other things I should bring up.

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