Single Parents

Lurker finally posting - HELP!

I have been lurking on the bump since I became pregnant (DD is now 7 weeks old). Finally decided to post due to the fact that I need some impartial responses on what to do.  

To make a VERY long story short, I am a single mom, never married, father of baby & I are no longer together.  After a big blowout where he and his mother tried to keep my infant daughter (4 weeks old at the the time and EBF) from me just so she could "sleepover" at his house (he lives about 130 miles away from me) police were called etc. We had no order for CS or visitation, etc at the time. Since I had "physical possession" of her at the time, the police let me leave and go home with her.  I went and got a lawyer 2 days later to start proceedings.  From what I see on our states court system website, he has not been served yet.  (I am from WI if that matters)


So my dilemma at this point is this.  He keeps texting and calling me. The last time we spoke (last Saturday) it turned into an argument.  He obviously has no clue I have filed on him yet.  He thinks we could just work this out with the two of us and no third party or court.  he is CRAZY!  After Saturdays argumentative phone call (where he demanded I pump out bottles so he could take her unsupervised for 8 hours to God knows where) I have been ignoring his calls and texts.


Do I keep ignoring him until he gets the papers and realizes whats up? If I talk to him and he asks to see her, what do I say?  According to my lawyer and the local police I do not have to let him see her until there is a court order to. I just want to avoid him because he is very manipulative.


A bit more background - he has epilepsy and in November of 2010 rolled and totaled his truck when he had a seizure. As of last time I saw him, he had a used carseat (have no idea how old it is) attached to a wooden platform he built  so it would fit in his truck. For those two reason ALONE I am petrified for him to drive her anywhere alone. Not to mention the fact he already tried to take her from me once.


Of course there is much more to the saga, but these are the cliffs notes. Sorry I don't fully know all of the codes and lingo you ladies use.



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