North Carolina Babies

Liam's Birth Story...longish

So...since I hadn't made any progress toward being able to have a VBAC, I was scheduled for a c-section for Monday, September 12th at 8:00am, that way, if things changed, I'd still have some time to have Liam the way I'd like to and avoid the longer recovery.

Thursday evening (09/08/11), I left work at 5:00pm, and hadn't even gotten a block from the office when a car ran a red light, plowing into the passenger side of my vehicle at about 50mph. My car was spun through an intersection and finally came to rest half in the street, and halfway over the curb and in a person's yard. I was SO scared. The EMS arrived and checked my BP, which was 167/102. I was already experiencing pain in my neck, chest and back, but had also noticed an increase in activity in Liam's movement. They transported me to Wake Med for observation and planned on keeping me until 9pm that night. However, while under observation, I started having contractions (6 or more in an hour) and Liam's heart rate became elevated, so I was admitted for 24 hr observation. Friday morning, the doctor came in and told me they wanted to go ahead and do a c-section since I was still contracting and they couldn't rule out a placental abruption. I was a little disappointed, but was more concerned that things be okay with the baby than anything else.

Since they knew I had planned on delivering at Rex, they called my OB and made arrangements for me to be admitted there for an emergency c-section. At 2pm that afternoon, they wheeled me into the Rex operating room, and at 3:01pm, Liam David Smith entered the world. He was 7lb, 5oz and 20 inches long. He's the most mellow baby, and hardly cries (so far). He's nursing great, and has already started to gain weight back from his post-delivery loss.

Here's a pic of my new sweetie pie:


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