Upstate NY Babies

Back from a/s. Not all fabulous.

I'll start with the good. The baby is right on track. Ten fingers and ten toes. No markers for Downs or any other problems.

Now the problem. I have a really large fibroid about the size of a nectarine at the bottom of my uterus. This is a horrible place for it and pretty much means if it continues to grow I'm a c/s. Which I am fine with but because of the location and the fact that it wasn't there at the last 9wk scan is that as it grows bigger it could compromise the baby and the baby could need to be taken out early. I have to keep having scans every 4-6 weeks to monitor the size and make sure it's not harming the baby. I'm terrified.

The midwife was great and said she has had several patients with fibroids and everything turns out fine. But it's just that the location and size of mine already is a bit worrisome and that if it gets to the point where the fibroid is so large that the baby might be better on the outside than inside. I'm so devastated and so scared that it could hurt the baby. I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop and here it is.

We gave pictures and have the gender of the baby in a card but I'm just trying to emotionally deal with this before I post anything else.
Took 2 years & 8 months to make our baby! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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