Single Parents

Amazing support from friends and family

After going through the hardest pain of accepting that my marriage never was, losing 20 pounds within 5 weeks and so many therapy sessions... I finally took the step to take of my wedding ring.  I also starting telling my friends that my STBXH and I are no longer together when the conversation was appropriate.  This was something I was struggling with as I was afraid to say anything in fear of judgment and being told what to do... instead I got nothing but full support.  I have reunited with good friends, making new ones and sharing a stronger bond with my network of support.   It is amazing.  As long as I focus on what is important to me right now, I know I will be okay.

I just wanted to share this positive progress of mine.  It is good to know that there are truly people out here that genuinely cares and that are very understanding.


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