Upstate NY Babies


DS started daycare last week.  No complaints other than I'm having a hard time adjusting!  We can watch him online throughout the day.  Here's my issue.....there are 3 infant classrooms.  His classroom has 2 small babies (maybe 4-5 months) and DS.  He's by far the oldest kid in there and has no playmates.  He tends to just follow the teacher around and watch the babies in the swing during the day.  I noticed that he doesn't play much during the day.  Last week, they moved an older baby into his room for just the day (she was 15 months) and he played all day long with her.  It was so cute and he came home so happy.  DH thinks we should ask if he could be with kids closer to his age because the other rooms are more "toddler" yet still an infant room.  Does that make sense?   I know they do things the way they do for a reason.  I also don't want to be *that parent*.  What would you do?
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