Upstate NY Babies


So we put DD down for her nap around 130 today. After about 15min she started getting fussy and kept going for awhile. At 2, DH goes up and she had pooped (in her diaper) so he changed her and put her back down. I went grocery shopping and came home around 320 or so-he said she was still awake. He went up to get her while I put groceries away and he yells down "Hon....she's naked!"  Somehow she got out of her sleepsack (which was still zippered) and stripped off everything! She even had her ultimate crib sheet halfway ripped off of the crib!  I have no idea how she did it, but now it makes me nervous to think of what she'll be doing at nap/bedtime-I can just imagine a poopy diaper getting torn off and who knows what else! Not to mention climbing out of the crib!
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