Upstate NY Babies

Pumping and driving..:)

I'm sure most of ya'll know that I pump while driving home from work at night..
I was never quite sure it was legal, etc.. but appparently, it is.. :)

I generally pump til about half way through my drive home.. I usually take the pump stuff off at a red light.. but tonight I didn' i did it while I was moving.. with a cop behind me... apparently.
The cop followed me all the way down the road I was on (Transit), i watched him run my plates.. Honestly, I get pulled over a couple times a year just by virtue of it being late at night when I drive home, and me not being the worlds best driver for suspicion of DWI.. but I don't ever drive drunk..
So he finally pulled me over just before i was about to turn off the road I was on. He said that he pulled me over because I came really close to the curb awhile back (when i was taking the pump off).
So I said "Well this is kind of embarrassing, but i was pumping breastmilk".. and pointed toward my pump. He said "OK. that's a perfectly reasonable explanation" and told me to have a good night.
I honestly can't stop laughing about it. I'm pretty sure he was just so uncomfortable with my answer that he didn't want to talk to me anymore.. but it was a slight possibility that he was sympathetic to nursing mothers.. <img class=" title="Laughing" />


Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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