Single Parents

Changing last names? (child included?)

I am going to be filling out some divorce papers today, there is an option on the form to have my last name changed.  I was told if I do this now instead of later, the whole paperwork process is so much easier.

 I love my maiden name and would change it back in heartbeat but there is one thing that is stopping me from that.  I want the same name as my son. My married name is not a name I am proud of nor is it a nice name. 

I wonder if I changed it to my maiden name hyphened my married name, if I can only use the first part and not the whole thing when I write my name? Is it a bad idea to try to change my son's last name so he has both?  The married name is very long so I hate to do that to him but I want him to know we are always connected.

 What are your thoughts?


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