Upstate NY Babies

One more Mirena thread - ?s

Still trying to make my decision, and DH isn't much help at all..  He doesn't understand why I don't just stay on BCP.  (And FWIW, I'm not one that ever really had an issue with BCP.  Still had a great sex drive, not hormonal, etc.)  So if you've had/have Mirena would you mind answering a few questions for me?

If insurance didn't cover it all, would you still have had it done?  The dr told me that they have remove about 1 in 10 due to it just not working for the woman, and it kinda worries me that I'll pay for this and then have to have it removed. (I will have to pay about $300 for the procedure).

Does DH ever feel it during sex?

Do you use tampons?  The dr told me I could, but had to be careful so that has me a bit uneasy...

When your 5 years is up, will you get another one or use another form of BCP?


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